You can have it all, just not all at the same time.
I've always credited this quote to Emma Isaacs, but apparently it is Betty Friedan a famous feminist and activist and author of the 1963 book - The Feminine Mystique.
This quote has always resonated with me as a working mum - there are only so many hours in the week - something has to drop (definitely the cleaning). This is equally true for single parents, step-parents, those caring for elderly parents of supporting friends and family with challenge.... the lis goes on!
We make choices - and some things drop so we can function. There are definitely stages where we are just keeping our head above water or treading water. I've heard many of you in the past few weeks tell me you feel you should be doing "more" - achieving more at work, exercising more, spending more time with family....... In reality, many of you are doing an a amazing job just staying afloat and aren't giving yourself credit for how much you are already doing and achieving. It's a season (for most of us) and it will pass.
Next week my youngest starts school - and my life has really opened up. We are past the intensity of the little kid stage (we have other dramas of course!), but it's caught me by surprise. I'm getting to reclaim some parts of the old me.
This week I rowed for the first time in 12 years. It was magic. No my rowing wasn't amazing - but it was so good to be out on the river (aside from the 4:30am wake-up). I had forgotten how much I loved it and what a big part of my life it had been. (Those early starts are clearly not compatible with babies and kids who don't sleep!).
Pre-kids, I rowed, I did adventure races, I went out a lot, I travelled alone. It's quite hard to imagine at times! To be honest I hadn't realised how many things had gone on hold or the back-burner with parenting and life in the way. I remembered this week some personal goals that I had set - that I had completely forgotten!
So if you don't have it all right now - it's ok. Just give yourself a break. The season will pass. And you are still there, it might feel sometimes that you've lost bits of yourself, but one day - you'll get them back.