Unleash your inner dancer: Discover the magic of Barre

At our cosy studio many of our students are big fans of Pilates, but people are sometimes reluctant to get on board with Barre. We get it – it’s so easy to dismiss the unfamiliar and stick within our comfort zones. But, imagine a workout that seamlessly blends the grace of ballet, the strength of Pilates, and the exhilaration of strength training. It’s easy to see why people get hooked.


Inspired by the graceful and precise movements of ballet, Barre emerged as a fusion of dance and fitness in the late 1950s. Drawing on the strength and discipline of ballet, Barre exercises were designed to inspire rehabilitation, as well as cater to people from all backgrounds, regardless of their dance experience. Today, the practice has become a fitness phenomenon, captivating the hearts and bodies of many.

Barre is a beautiful blend of twirling, gliding, and pulsing; a magical experience that will leave you feeling empowered, toned, and utterly enchanted – and not just for ballerina-types! Let us give you some reasons to jump aboard the Barre bandwagon.


Explores muscles you never knew existed

You know that feeling the day after a new workout where you discover muscles you didn’t even know were there? Well, Barre promises lots of that. While Pilates focuses on core strength and stability, Barre introduces movements that engage your glutes, thighs, and calves with finesse – making it a perfect Pilates partner if we do say so ourselves. The controlled yet challenging exercises tone and sculpt your lower body, transforming it into a work of art. Who doesn’t love a booty that will help you gracefully waltz through life?


Invites poise and alignment

Just like Pilates, Barre emphasises proper posture and alignment. By strengthening your core and elongating your spine, Barre nurtures your body’s natural grace. Through each exercise, you’ll cultivate a deeper sense of body awareness, inviting you to stand a little taller and more confidently. Say goodbye to slouching shoulders and hello to a more poised and elegant posture (and therefore presence!).


Gives a cardio boost

Cardio is wonderful for energising your body and uplifting your spirit – and there’s no shortage of it in Barre. The high-energy, fast-paced movements you’ll find in Barre get your blood pumping and increase your heart rate. Great for improved endurance, calorie burning, and a healthier cardiovascular system. With each pulse and pile, you’ll discover more joy in movement, leaving you energised and ready to tackle whatever lies ahead.

Creates mind-body harmony

One of the most surprising and enchanting aspects of Barre is its focus on the connection between body and mind – another reason it pairs so perfectly with Pilates and, of course, yoga. Barre encourages presence, inviting you to connect with your breath and immerse yourself in each magic moment. Mindful movement is a wonderful way to develop a deeper appreciation for your body and life and unlock a sense of peace and harmony. On top of that - the music, rhythm, and infectious energy of the Barre is so uplifting, leaving you feeling vibrant and light.


Infuses variety into your fitness journey

Sometimes, our bodies and minds crave change – a chance to break free from routine and explore new horizons. Barre provides the perfect remedy. It challenges you in delightful and unexpected ways, breaking through plateaus and reigniting your passion for movement. It invites endless opportunities to challenge you physically and mentally – offering new moves, balances, and the joy of dance – even if you’ve never donned ballet shoes before. Embrace the adventure and add a touch of whimsy to your fitness routine.


Barre will leave you stronger, more flexible, and with a sparkle in your eyes. Let the dance begin! We can’t wait to welcome you to a class soon.

Don’t forget that aside from our regular barre classes we also run mums & bubs barre classes - a favourite with our mums (and the babies love it)!


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